Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator

Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator
Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator
Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator image 2
Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator image 3
Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator image 4
Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator image 5
Interested in the ad?
≈ $891.60
≈ SGD 1,190
Contact the seller
Type: rubber track
Part number: 40072.574R
Catalog number of the original: 400x72.5Rx74
Location: Belgium Mouscron6453 km from you
Seller stock ID: 40072.574R
Placed on: more than 1 month
Track width: 400 mm
Condition: new
Warranty:: 2 years

More details — Kubota VULCAN AGRI - 400x72.5Rx74 400x72.5Rx74 rubber track for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavator

Rubber tracks for Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini excavators.

Leach Lewis is one of Europe's leading distributors of rubber tracks and rubber pads for all types of tracked machines. We offer quality products at competitive prices and fast logistics.
- More than 500 track references permanently in stock
- Rubber tracks for all types of construction equipments
- Warranty up to 24 months
- Tracks for agricultural machines with standard profiles or agricultural chevrons
- Rubber pads for steel tracks bolt on or clip on
- City Pad Roadliners bolted to the chain
- Delivery anywhere in Europe by priority courier
Gumové pásy pro minirypadla Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Společnost Leach Lewis je jedním z předních evropských distributorů gumových pásů a gumových podložek pro všechny typy pásových strojů. Nabízíme kvalitní výrobky za konkurenceschopné ceny a rychlou logistiku.
- Více než 500 odkazů na koleje trvale na skladě
- Gumové pásy pro všechny typy stavebních strojů
- Záruka až 24 měsíců
- Pásy pro zemědělské stroje se standardními profily nebo zemědělskými chevrony
- Gumové podložky pro ocelové pásy
- City Pad Roadliners přišroubované k řetězu
- Doručení kamkoli v Evropě prioritní kurýrní službou.

Translated with show contacts (free version)
Gummikette für Minibagger Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis ist einer der führenden europäischen Anbieter von Gummiketten und Gummipolstern für alle Arten von Raupenfahrzeugen. Wir bieten Qualitätsprodukte zu stets wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen sowie eine schnelle Logistik.
- Über 500 Referenzen an Raupen sind ständig auf Lager.
- Gummiketten für alle Arten von Baumaschinen.
- Garantie bis zu 24 Monate
- Raupen für landwirtschaftliche Maschinen mit Standardprofilen oder landwirtschaftlichem Fischgrätenmuster.
- Gummipads mit Clips und Schrauben für Stahlketten
- City Pad Roadliners, die mit der Kette verschraubt sind.
- Lieferung in ganz Europa per Priority-Kurier.
Gummikæder til Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 minigravere.

Leach Lewis er en af Europas førende distributører af gummikæder og gummipuder til alle typer maskiner med larvebånd. Vi tilbyder kvalitetsprodukter til konkurrencedygtige priser og hurtig logistik.
- Mere end 500 sporreferencer permanent på lager
- Gummikæder til alle typer entreprenørmaskiner
- Garanti op til 24 måneder
- Spor til landbrugsmaskiner med standardprofiler eller landbrugsjernestokke
- Gummipuder til stålskinner
- City Pad Roadliners boltet fast til kæden
- Levering overalt i Europa med prioriteret kurer.

Translated with show contacts (free version)
Orugas de goma para miniexcavadoras Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis es uno de los principales distribuidores europeos de orugas de caucho y almohadillas de caucho para todo tipo de máquinas de orugas. Ofrecemos productos de calidad a precios competitivos y una logística rápida.
- Más de 500 referencias de vías en stock permanente
- Orugas de goma para todo tipo de maquinaria de construcción
- Garantía de hasta 24 meses
- Orugas para máquinas agrícolas con perfiles estándar o chevrones agrícolas
- Almohadillas de goma para orugas de acero
- City Pad Roadliners atornillados a la cadena
- Entrega en cualquier lugar de Europa por mensajería prioritaria.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor show contacts
Kummirööpad Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 miniekskavaatoritele.

Leach Lewis on üks Euroopa juhtivaid kummirööbaste ja kummipolstrite turustajaid igat tüüpi roomikmasinate jaoks. Pakume kvaliteetseid tooteid konkurentsivõimeliste hindadega ja kiiret logistikat.
- Rohkem kui 500 püsivalt laos olevaid raidereferentse
- Kummirööpad igat tüüpi ehitusseadmetele
- Garantii kuni 24 kuud
- Standardprofiiliga või põllumajandusliku sälguga põllutöömasinate rööpad
- Kummipadjad terasrööbaste jaoks
- City Pad Roadliners polditud kettale
- Kohaletoimetamine kõikjal Euroopas prioriteetsete kulleritega.
Chenille en caoutchouc pour mini pelle Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis est l’un des leaders européens dans la distribution de chenilles et de patins en caoutchouc pour tous types d’engins chenillés. Nous offrons des produits de qualité à des prix toujours compétitifs ainsi qu’une logistique rapide.
- Plus de 500 références de chenilles disponibles en permanence en stock
- Chenilles en caoutchouc pour tous types d’engins de TP
- Garantie jusqu’à 24 mois
- Chenilles pour engins agricoles avec profils standards ou chevrons agricoles
- Patins caoutchouc clipsés et boulonnés pour chaines acier
- Patins type City Pad Roadliners boulonnés sur la chaine
- Livraison partout en Europe en messagerie prioritaire.
Gumilánctalp Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini kotrógépekhez.

A Leach Lewis Európa egyik vezető gumilánctalp és gumipárna forgalmazója minden típusú lánctalpas géphez. Minőségi termékeket kínálunk versenyképes áron és gyors logisztikával.
- Több mint 500 pályahivatkozás állandóan raktáron
- Gumiláncok minden típusú építőipari berendezéshez
- Legfeljebb 24 hónap garancia
- Mezőgazdasági gépekhez való nyomtávok szabványos profilokkal vagy mezőgazdasági ékzárakkal
- Gumi betétek acélsínekhez
- City Pad Roadliner a láncra csavarozva
- Kézbesítés bárhová Európában elsőbbségi futárszolgálattal.

Translated with show contacts (free version)
Cingoli in gomma per miniescavatori Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis è uno dei principali distributori europei di cingoli e cuscinetti in gomma per tutti i tipi di macchine cingolate. Offriamo prodotti di qualità a prezzi competitivi e una logistica veloce.
- Più di 500 riferimenti di binari permanentemente in magazzino
- Cingoli in gomma per tutti i tipi di macchine edili
- Garanzia fino a 24 mesi
- Cingoli per macchine agricole con profili standard o con galloni agricoli
- Cuscinetti in gomma per cingoli in acciaio
- City Pad Roadliners imbullonati alla catena
- Consegna in tutta Europa con corriere prioritario.

Tradotto con show contacts (versione gratuita)
Gumijas kāpurķēdes Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 mini ekskavatoriem.

Leach Lewis ir viens no vadošajiem gumijas kāpurķēžu un gumijas spilventiņu izplatītājiem Eiropā visu veidu kāpurķēžu mašīnām. Mēs piedāvājam kvalitatīvus produktus par konkurētspējīgām cenām un ātru loģistiku.
- Vairāk nekā 500 sliežu ceļa atsauces pastāvīgi noliktavā
- Gumijas kāpurķēdes visu veidu celtniecības tehnikai
- Garantija līdz 24 mēnešiem
- Slieces lauksaimniecības mašīnām ar standarta profiliem vai lauksaimniecības šuvēm
- Gumijas spilventiņi tērauda sliedēm
- Pie ķēdes pieskrūvēti City Pad Roadliners
- Piegāde visā Eiropā ar prioritāro kurjeru.

Translated with show contacts (free version)
Rubbertracks voor Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5 minigraafmachines.

Leach Lewis is een van Europa's toonaangevende distributeurs van rubberen rupsbanden en rubberen pads voor alle soorten rupsmachines. Wij bieden kwaliteitsproducten tegen concurrerende prijzen en een snelle logistiek.
- Meer dan 500 spoorreferenties permanent in voorraad
- Rubberen rupsbanden voor alle soorten bouwmachines
- Garantie tot 24 maanden
- Rupsbanden voor landbouwmachines met standaardprofielen of landbouwsporen
- Rubber pads voor stalen rupsbanden
- City Pad Roadliners vastgeschroefd aan de ketting
- Levering overal in Europa door een koerier.

Vertaald met show contacts (gratis versie)
Gąsienica gumowa do minikoparki Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis jest jednym z wiodących europejskich dystrybutorów gąsienic gumowych i podkładek gumowych do wszystkich typów maszyn gąsienicowych. Oferujemy wysokiej jakości produkty w konkurencyjnych cenach i szybką logistykę.
- Ponad 500 referencji do torów w ciągłej sprzedaży
- Gąsienice gumowe do wszystkich typów maszyn budowlanych
- Gwarancja do 24 miesięcy
- Gąsienice do maszyn rolniczych z profilami standardowymi lub szewronami rolniczymi
- Podkładki gumowe do gąsienic stalowych
- City Pad Roadliners przykręcony do łańcucha
- Dostawa w dowolne miejsce w Europie kurierem priorytetowym.
Pistas de borracha para mini-escavadoras Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis é um dos principais distribuidores europeus de pistas de borracha e almofadas de borracha para todos os tipos de máquinas sobre lagartas. Oferecemos produtos de qualidade a preços competitivos e logística rápida.
- Mais de 500 referências de pistas permanentemente em stock
- Pistas de borracha para todos os tipos de equipamento de construção
- Garantia até 24 meses
- Pistas para máquinas agrícolas com perfis padrão ou chevrons agrícolas
- Almofadas de borracha para pistas de aço
- Estradas de almofada da cidade aparafusadas à corrente
- Entrega em qualquer parte da Europa por correio prioritário.

Traduzido com a versão gratuita do tradutor - show contacts
Șenile de cauciuc pentru mini-excavatoare Kubota KX161-3, U45-2, U45-3, U48-4, U50-3, U55-4, U56-5.

Leach Lewis este unul dintre cei mai importanți distribuitori europeni de șenile de cauciuc și plăcuțe de cauciuc pentru toate tipurile de utilaje pe șenile. Oferim produse de calitate la prețuri competitive și logistică rapidă.
- Mai mult de 500 de referințe de cale ferată în stoc permanent
- Șenile din cauciuc pentru toate tipurile de echipamente de construcții
- Garanție de până la 24 de luni
- Șenile pentru mașini agricole cu profiluri standard sau șenile agricole
- Tampoane de cauciuc pentru șine de oțel
- City Pad Roadliners bolțată la lanț
- Livrare oriunde în Europa prin curierat prioritar.

Translated with show contacts (free version)
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
Purchase tips
Safety tips
Seller Verification

If you decide to buy equipment at a low price, make sure that you communicate with the real seller. Find out as much information about the owner of the equipment as possible. One way of cheating is to represent yourself as a real company. In case of suspicion, inform us about this for additional control, through the feedback form.

Price Check

Before you decide to make a purchase, carefully review several sales offers to understand the average cost of your chosen equipment. If the price of the offer you like is much lower than similar offers, think about it. A significant price difference may indicate hidden defects or an attempt by the seller to commit fraudulent acts.

Do not buy products which price is too different from the average price for similar equipment.

Do not give consent to dubious pledges and prepaid goods. In case of doubt, do not be afraid to clarify details, ask for additional photographs and documents for equipment, check the authenticity of documents, ask questions.

Doubtful prepayment

The most common type of fraud. Unfair sellers may request a certain amount of advance payment to “book” your right to purchase equipment. Thus, fraudsters can collect a large amount and disappear, no longer get in touch.

Varieties of this fraud may include:
  • Transfer of prepayment to the card
  • Do not make an advance payment without paperwork confirming the process of transferring money, if during the communication the seller is in doubt.
  • Transfer to the “Trustee” account
  • Such a request should be alarming, most likely you are communicating with a fraudster.
  • Transfer to a company account with a similar name
  • Be careful, fraudsters may disguise themselves as well-known companies, making minor changes to the name. Do not transfer funds if the company name is in doubt.
  • Substitution of own details in the invoice of a real company
  • Before making a transfer, make sure that the specified details are correct, and whether they relate to the specified company.
Found a fraud?
Let us know
Safety tips
Selling machinery or vehicles?
You can do it with us!
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